Wednesday, October 17, 2012

BOOK REVIEW: MINI MYSTERIES: 20 Tricky Tales to Untangle

image: Mini Mysteries:20 Tricky Tales - mystery bookreview
Mini Mysteries:20 Tricky Tales - mystery book review
MINI MYSTERIES: 20 Tricky Tales to Untangle
Rick Walton
Pleasant Company Publications

Available: Paperback

This is a book that is exactly what the title suggests, a book of 20 mini mysteries for the reader to solve, using logic and their powers of observations. The same main characters appear in the stories, so even though each story is a mystery unto itself, the book had a feeling of continuity. Marie and her best friend, Noelle, have to figure out which clues will help solve the mystery and which ones are red herrings that lead the reader in the wrong direction. Once the reader thinks they've solved the mystery, they can check the case folder in the back of the book to see if they're right.
Kids who love to solve puzzles, uncover clues, and crack cases will have fun with this book. All of the characters in the stories are girls, which sadly means that some boys won't want to read the book.

Target audience: grades 3 - 7
Mystery /suspense: Fun
Kid appeal: High

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