Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Ivy Ruckman
Bantam Doubleday Dell Books

Available: paperback,

Katy and Andrea will be in the sixth grade at the end summer. The story begins with them having a miserable time at summer camp. This is the second day they're stuck with kitchen duty instead of swimming with the other girls. It seems they keep on getting in trouble for things they haven't done. And the other girls aren't the nicest. Katy decides enough is enough. She convinces Andrea that running away is the only
logical thing to do. They'll sneak back home and hide out until camp is over. It sounded like a great idea. But during their great escape they overhear two men dumping body parts in the lake. They have to report it. Then things get complicated and they have a real mystery to solve.
I usually don't review older mysteries, but I have to confess I picked up this one at my local library. The cover looked so contemporary that it never occurred to me that it wasn't a recent release. When I started reading, Katy and Andrea pulled me into their disastrous camp experience. And when they heard the body parts drop into the lake, I had to keep reading. It was a nice read and age appropriate. Adventurous girls will enjoy this book.

Target audience: 5th & 6th grade girls
Mystery / suspense: Good
Kid appeal: girls

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