Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Rebecca Stead
A Yearling Book

Available: paperback, hardcover, Kindle

When seventh grader Georges' father loses his job, the family is forced to move into a small Brooklyn apartment. His life is turned upside down. The place is small. His mom is never there, spending all her time at the hospital taking on extra shifts. School's not so hot either when he becomes the latest target of the school bully. The only good thing that happens is that he meets
Safer, the boy upstairs who's a spy for the building. He enlists Georges as his assistant. At first it's totally cool, until the spy trade becomes a little dangerous.
This story has lots of funny moments, zany characters and at the same time is poignant. Much of what Georges learns as a spy is more about himself than about the tenants of his building. There are twists and turns right up to the last page.

Target audience: grades 5-8
Mystery/ Suspense: surprise
Kid appeal: good

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