John Andre
1750 - 1780
Spied For: The British
John Andre was the only
British officer hanged as a spy during the American Revolutionary war. At the
age of 20 he joined the British Army and moved to North America to play his
part in controlling the colonists.
In 1779 he was placed in
charge of the British Secret Intelligence. He plotted with American General
Benedict Arnold. Arnold commanded West Point. He agreed to surrender it to the
British for £20,000. This move would allow the British to cut New England off
from the rest of the rebellious colonies.
Andre armed with documents
supplied by Arnold, began his spy trip. He was stopped and questioned at
gunpoint and admitted he was British. The colonists searched him and found the forged papers. He was put on trial and
found guilty of being behind American lines “under a feigned name and in a disguised
habit”, and that:
“Major Andre, Adjutant-General to
the British army, ought to be considered as a Spy from the enemy, and that
agreeable to the law and usage of nations, it is their opinion, he ought to
suffer death.”
He was hanged as a spy
October 2, 1780.
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